Copia Farm

Raw Milk Herdshare - Signup

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Your Raw Milk Cows:

A2/A2 Jersey

Copia cows are Jerseys, a heritage breed with easy-to-digest (A2/A2) milk. All of our cows have been tested and verified that they do indeed carry the A2/A2 milk protein.  

We graze them on grass every day of the year and give them a lot of love. 



We are 100% committed to only stocking safe, clean milk, which we regularly test for safety and cleanliness. Every batch of milk is tested in our on-farm laboratory, so that we are able to test frequently and receive the test results back rapidly.  

We set our standards even above RAWMI standards (the gold standard for clean raw milk).  Our children and yours, moms-to-be, and those with fragile health conditions seek us out for the best raw milk and we take that responsibly very seriously.  If for any reason our milk is found to not be up to standards, we always have a team of voracious pigs that will gladly gobble all unwanted milk up for us.


Grass Fed, Pasture-Raised, Once-a-Day Milking

To give thanks, we give the girls a tiny amount of certified organic grain at milking time, and we only milk them once per day. Their pastures have never been sprayed and are full of organic matter. 

The cows spend relaxing days outside, moving from paddock to paddock, or nestled up with soft straw when it's cold outside. You will taste the amazing quality and sweetness of the milk with a fresh, clean taste. 


Nutritional Benefits of Raw Milk

“In many ways, raw milk is similar to breastmilk: both are completely natural, fresh, and unprocessed milks. They both contain a wide variety of essential nutrients, fats, proteins, anti-inflammatory and digestive enzymes, bioavailable vitamins, and minerals, all in a natural form which is most easily utilized by the body. In addition, raw milk facilitates production of lactase enzyme in the intestinal tract, allowing many people who are lactose intolerant to digest raw milk with no problems.” Raw Milk Institute

Please take a look at this RAWMI link to learn about the extensive differences between raw and pasteurized (destroyed) milk, and the health benefits.

Take a look at this quick slideshow that shows you what raw milk looks like under a microscope compared to pasteurized (destroyed) milk.


History of Raw Milk

We have been drinking raw milk as a safe, normal daily practice for at least 10,000 years.  Living alongside animals, we saw they nursed their offspring the way we do, and came to find the milk was filling and health-giving, and an excellent source of nutrition that we could get more of every day.

We consumed both fresh raw milk, along with cultured raw milk, as there was no refrigeration back then and milk was left out at room temperature.  Raw milk, when left out, not only is a safe food to eat, it even turns into an even more nutritious yogurt full of wild probiotics.

All of that changed in the 1800’s, during the Industrial Revolution, when we dropped our artisanal society for one of mechanized industry and big city life.  We began to produce products for mass consumption in factories, and largely abandoned small scale subsistence farming where we would grow what we needed for our family and small community. 

Pasteurization began in 1862.  This allowed masses of cows to be raised together in filthy conditions, being fed the lowest grade food.  With pasteurization, mass produced filthy milk could be sold, which it was and still is today, with a long shelf life to boot.  

No longer was milk a living, easy-to-digest food; it was cooked beyond microscopic recognition.  Lactose intolerance is usually an intolerance for pasteurized milk. 

Sanitization was the silver lining of that era.  We know so much about cleanliness nowadays and can utilize the best of both worlds here on the farm - produce sparklingly clean raw milk on a very small scale, with all the health benefits intact.


Is it Safe?

Conventional opponents believe raw milk is unsafe; we would agree that conventionally produced milk you find at the grocery store would be very unsafe to drink raw!  

However, pasteurized and ultra-high pasteurized grocery milk that comes from mega dairies is completely different than our clean, raw milk from our small scale herd, hand milked once a day (today’s conventional cows get milked 7-8 times a day with robots) with top attention to cleanliness.

Comparing conventional, mass produced, ultra-high processed destroyed and hard-to-digest milk…

…to our small scale, artisanal, clean RAW milk full of nutrients, enzymes, and health-giving properties, is comparing apples to oranges.  

We now live in a time of mass health degradation and immune depletion.  Now is the time to call on the most nutrient-dense foods for health once again, those foods being Raw dairy, 100% grass fed meats, organs & animal fats, bone broth, real pasture-raised eggs, and more.